There is an expectation that children will wear school clothing:
White shirt, white polo shirt or light blue polo shirt | White shirt, white polo shirt or light blue polo shirt |
Charcoal, black or navy trousers or shorts | Charcoal dress/skirt or blue school uniform summer dress or charcoal, black or navy trousers |
Blue jumper, cardigan or sweatshirt.* | Blue jumper, cardigan or sweatshirt.* |
Black or navy socks | Charcoal, navy or white tights/socks |
Dark shoes | Dark shoes |
* The most popular choice is a sweatshirt with embroidered High Littleton badge. These are available from Norton Sports. Branded bookbags can also be purchased via this shop.
For safety reasons, children must not wear shoes with an excessively high heel to school or trousers with an excessive flare. Equally, only stud earrings are allowed and children should wear no other jewellery.
We are keen to encourage independence and responsibility. Your child is responsible for his/her belongings and the school cannot be held responsible for any losses.
We discourage children from bringing personal/valuable belongings into school; this avoids things being lost or broken.
Please help us by ensuring that ALL items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name.
PE Kit
From September 2023, children will be required to come to school wearing their PE kit on the two days that their class will have PE lessons (to be confirmed by class teachers in September).
The school's PE kit will remain as it is currently:
Children will still be required to wear their school jumpers/cardigans/fleeces on those days.
Long hair should be tied back at all times, particularly during PE. Children should not be sent to school with extreme haircuts/hairstyles. Long hair should be tied back for health and safety reasons.
Children must not bring to school any items of great value, as we are not covered for loss or damage to pupils’ property.