Starting School in September 2025

If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 he/she is able to start school in September 2025.

Applications must be made to the Local Authority in which you live even if you are wanting to be considered for a place at a school situated within a different Local Authority area.

Please find below the school's Admissions Policy for 2025-2026.

Starting in Reception

When you have received your formal offer of a place from B&NES, information letters are then sent out from the school at theend of May outlining arrangements for your child’s start of school. Parents are invited to a ‘New Parents’ Information Evening’ in June where you are given the opportunity to meet with class teachers, PTA members and discuss uniform with our supplier Norton Sports and Camping.

Your child will also have the opportunity to make several short visits to school in term 6 (Summer term), some with you and some without you and details of this programme will be in the information letter. Children who are attending High Littleton Pre-School will make visits together with their playleaders. All the children who attend other preschools will be invited together in separate sessions. We look forward to meeting you and beginning our partnership with you as parents.

Your child will start school on a part time basis for the first three weeks of Term 1, gradually building up to whole days. We find this helps them settle in well and find their feet quickly.

What they should wear

Our school uniform is modern and comfortable, and almost all is available from the major stores:

White shirt, white polo shirt or light blue polo shirt
Charcoal, black or navy trousers or shorts
Blue jumper, cardigan or sweatshirt with embroidered High Littleton badge. These are available from Norton Sports and Camping.
Black or navy socks
Dark shoes

White shirt, white polo shirt or light blue polo shirt
Blue jumper, cardigan or sweatshirt with embroidered High Littleton badge. These are available from Norton Sports and Camping.
Charcoal dress/skirt or blue school uniform summer dress or
Charcoal, black or navy trousers
Charcoal, navy or white tights/socks
Dark shoes

PE Kit
Blue T-Shirt with High Littleton printed on the rear. These are available from Norton Sports and Camping.
Black shorts/leggings during the summer months. Black tracksuit bottoms/leggings for the winter. School jumper or fleece.

*Children are to wear their PE kit to school on their PE days - these will be communicated to you at the beginning of the academic year.

We do not allow nail polish to be worn in school.

Dropping off and collecting your child

School starts each day at 8.50am and children should arrive at school after. Children are expected to be ready to start work at 8.50am. Do not leave them before 8.40 as the gates will be locked and there is no supervision before this time unless a prior arrangement has been made with the Teacher.

Morning break is from 10.30 – 10.45am and lunch is taken from 12.00 – 1.00pm. You will be given more details about arrangements for school meals in the information booklet in June.

School finishes at 3.15pm for Owl and Hedgehog Class and at 3.20pm the bell rings for Fox, Badger, Otter and Deer. Please wait in the area next to the school hall until you child’s teacher brings them out to you.

If you live in the village or close by then please help reinforce your child’s healthy lifestyle and cut congestion by walking to school. If you need to drive then please consider parking at The Star Inn’s car park or at the recreation ground. These are a short walk from school and the owners have given their permission for parents to park there for school pick-up and drop-off.

We ask that all children catching the school bus at the end of the day, wait in our reception area where they are safely collected by the driver.

In-Year Admissions

If your child is currently at primary school and you are looking to move them to High Littleton, please contact the School Office to arrange a meeting with the Headteacher and to establish whether there are places available for your child in the correct year group.

Following your visit, if you feel you would like to apply for a place for your child, please complete the application form, which can be found here and return to the school office asap.

Once we have received your application, it will be considered and if there is a vacancy we will then be in a position to offer you a place. School places must be taken within 28 school days of the offer being made.

As an academy, High Littleton Primary School is its own admission authority and is therefore responsible for all in-year admissions.