Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is available for all children who attend High Littleton Primary School (Reception children from week 3 (full time)) and is run by staff at High Littleton School. The club runs daily from 7.40am-8.40am. You can pre book for your child to attend and the daily cost is £5 which includes breakfast and a drink. 

We provide a variety of breakfast cereals including Shreddies, Weetabix and Rice Krispies, toast with honey, jam or marmite and juice or water.

We also provide a space for children to play games, read, colour and socialise with their peers before the school day begins.

We kindly request that all children are booked via Parentpay at least 48 hours in advance, if your child needs to attend
last minute, please contact the school office to inform them. With higher numbers, we need to monitor staffing and it
is important that we know who is coming each day to ensure we prepare enough breakfast!

You are welcome to drop your child to Breakfast Club anytime between 7.40am and 8.40am, however please note we
stop serving breakfast at 8.15am and if your child requires breakfast they will need to attend prior to 8.15am.

Breakfast Club Photos

Afterschool Club

Progressive Kids Afterschool Provision

We are delighted to inform you that from Monday, 30th September, we will be launching our new after school provision in conjunction with Progressive Kids. 

Progressive Kids are a company who work across many local schools and pride themselves on offering a unique wraparound care experience. Their  programme combines the benefits of enriching activities and childcare, providing a balanced and fun environment for your child.

Progressive Kids is open to all children from Reception to Year 6. Their wraparound care programme at High Littleton Primary School operates from 3.15pm to 6:00pm.

For more information, please click on the link.